Weekend Challenge - Effective Data Visualization with Polars and Matplotlib
Jerry Wu
February 10, 2025
It was an honor to be one of the reviewers for Matt Harrison’s new book, Effective Visualization. If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of how to use Pandas and Matplotlib to craft compelling data stories, this book is a must-read.
Last weekend, I decided to convert some of the Pandas code from the book into Polars just for fun, and I’d like to share an example in this post. You can find the original Pandas code in the repo (empty link for now).
The final figure, shown below, visualizes temperature trends for the ski season in Alta over the past few decades.
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from functools import partialimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport polars as plimport polars.selectors as csfrom highlight_text import ax_textfrom matplotlib import colormaps# https://github.com/mattharrison/datasets/raw/refs/heads/master/data/alta-noaa-1980-2019.csvdata_path ="alta-noaa-1980-2019.csv"columns = ["DATE", "TOBS"]df = pl.scan_csv(data_path).select(columns).collect()def get_season_expr(col: str="DATE", alias: str="SEASON") -> pl.expr:return ( ( pl.when((pl.col(col).dt.month().is_between(5, 10, closed="both"))) .then(pl.lit("Summer ")) .otherwise(pl.lit("Ski ")) ) .add( pl.when(pl.col(col).dt.month() <11) .then(pl.col(col).dt.year().cast(pl.String)) .otherwise(pl.col(col).dt.year().add(1).cast(pl.String)) ) .alias(alias) )def add_day_of_season_expr( col: str="DATE", group_col: str="SEASON", alias: str="DAY_OF_SEASON") -> pl.expr:return ( (pl.col(col) - pl.col(col).min()).dt.total_days().over(group_col).alias(alias) )def plot_temps(df_: pl.DataFrame, idx_colname: str="DAY_OF_SEASON") -> pl.DataFrame: plt.rcParams["font.family"] ="Roboto" figsize = (160, 165) # ptsdef points_to_inches(points):return points /72 figsize_inches = [points_to_inches(dim) for dim in figsize] heading_fontsize =9.5 heading_fontweight ="bold" subheading_fontsize =8 subheading_fontweight ="normal" source_fontsize =6.5 source_fontweight ="light" axis_fontsize =7 axis_fontweight ="normal" grey ="#aaaaaa" red ="#e3120b" blue ="#0000ff" cmap = colormaps.get_cmap("Grays") layout = [["title"], ["plot"], ["notes"]] fig, axs = plt.subplot_mosaic( layout, gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [6, 12, 1]}, figsize=figsize_inches, dpi=300, constrained_layout=True, )# ----- Title ----- ax_title = axs["title"] ax_title.axis("off") sub_props = {"fontsize": subheading_fontsize, "fontweight": subheading_fontweight} ax_text( s="<Alta Ski Resort>\n<Temperature trends by >\n<decade>< and ><2019>", x=0, y=0, fontsize=heading_fontsize, ax=ax_title, va="bottom", ha="left", zorder=5, highlight_textprops=[ {"fontsize": heading_fontsize, "fontweight": heading_fontweight}, sub_props, {"color": blue, **sub_props}, sub_props, {"color": red, **sub_props}, ], )# ----- Plot ----- ax = axs["plot"] season_temps = df_.filter(pl.col("SEASON").str.contains("Ski")).pivot("SEASON", index=idx_colname, values="TMEAN", aggregate_function="first" ) season_temps_index = season_temps[idx_colname] columns = season_temps.columns columns.remove(idx_colname) columns.remove("Ski 2019")for i, column inenumerate(columns): color = cmap(i /len(columns)) ax.plot( season_temps_index, season_temps[column], color=color, linewidth=1, alpha=0.2, zorder=1, )# # ---- Decade Averages ---- decades = [1980, 1990, 2000, 2010] blues = ["#0055EE", "#0033CC", "#0011AA", "#3377FF"]for decade, color inzip(decades, blues): match =str(decade)[:-1] # 1980 -> "198", 2010 -> "201" decade_temps = season_temps.select(cs.contains(match)).mean_horizontal() ax.plot(season_temps_index, decade_temps, color=color, linewidth=1)# add label to right of line last_y_label = decade_temps.last()if decade ==2000: last_y_label -=3elif decade ==2010: last_y_label -=0.3 ax.text(185, last_y_label,f"{decade}", va="center", ha="left", fontsize=axis_fontsize, fontweight=axis_fontweight, color=color, )# # add dot to start and end of each line ax.plot( season_temps_index.first(), decade_temps.first(), marker="o", color=color, markersize=1, zorder=2, ) ax.plot( season_temps_index.last(), decade_temps.last(), marker="o", color=color, markersize=1, zorder=2, )# # ------ Ski 2019 ------# # plot `Ski 2019` in red ski_2019 = season_temps.select(idx_colname, cs.by_name("Ski 2019")).drop_nulls() ski_2019_index = ski_2019[idx_colname] ski_2019 = ski_2019.drop([idx_colname]).to_series() ax.plot(ski_2019_index, ski_2019, color="red", linewidth=1)# add dot to start and end of each line ax.plot( ski_2019_index.first(), ski_2019.first(), marker="o", color="red", markersize=2, zorder=2, ) ax.plot( ski_2019_index.last(), ski_2019.last(), marker="o", color="red", markersize=2, zorder=2, )# # ------ Ticks & Lines ------# # remove spinesfor side in ["top", "left", "right"]: ax.spines[side].set_visible(False)# # add horizontal line at 32F ax.axhline(32, color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=1, zorder=1)# # set y ticks ax.set_yticks(ticks=[10, 32, 40])# # set y limit ax.set_ylim([10, 55])# # set x label ax.set_xlabel("Day of season", fontsize=axis_fontsize, fontweight=axis_fontweight)# # ------ Source ------ ax_notes = axs["notes"]# add source ax_notes.axis("off") ax_notes.text(0,0,"Source: NOAA", fontsize=source_fontsize, fontweight=source_fontweight, color=grey, )return df_idx_colname ="DAY_OF_SEASON"data = ( df.with_columns( pl.col("DATE").str.to_datetime(), pl.col("TOBS").interpolate(), ) .sort("DATE") .with_columns(# Caveat: Cannot be placed in the previous `with_columns()`# due to different statuses of `TOBS`. pl.col("TOBS").rolling_mean(window_size=28, center=True).alias("TMEAN"), get_season_expr(col="DATE", alias="SEASON"), ) .with_columns( add_day_of_season_expr(col="DATE", group_col="SEASON", alias=idx_colname) ) .pipe(partial(plot_temps, idx_colname=idx_colname)))
Loading the Data
To begin, we load the dataset, focusing on two key columns:
DATE: The dates.
TOBS: The recorded temperature in Fahrenheit.
from functools import partialimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport polars as plimport polars.selectors as csfrom highlight_text import ax_textfrom matplotlib import colormapsdata_path ="alta-noaa-1980-2019.csv"columns = ["DATE", "TOBS"]df = pl.scan_csv(data_path).select(columns).collect()print(df.head())
Here’s the pipeline for generating the final figure:
idx_colname ="DAY_OF_SEASON"data = ( df.with_columns(1 pl.col("DATE").str.to_datetime(),2 pl.col("TOBS").interpolate(), ) .sort("DATE") .with_columns(# Caveat: Cannot be placed in the previous `with_columns()`# due to different statuses of `TOBS`.3 pl.col("TOBS").rolling_mean(window_size=28, center=True).alias("TMEAN"),4 get_season_expr(col="DATE", alias="SEASON"), ) .with_columns(5 add_day_of_season_expr(col="DATE", group_col="SEASON", alias=idx_colname) ) 6 .pipe(partial(plot_temps, idx_colname=idx_colname)))
Convert the DATE column to a datetime format.
Perform interpolation on the TOBS column.
Compute a 28-day rolling average for TOBS.
Use get_season_expr() to categorize each date into a SEASON.
Apply add_day_of_season_expr() to calculate DAY_OF_SEASON, representing days elapsed since the start of the season.
Use plot_temps() to generate the final visualization with Matplotlib.
The first three steps involve straightforward Polars expressions. In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into steps 4 to 6.
Categorizing Dates into Summer and Ski Seasons
To analyze seasonal trends, we classify dates into two categories:
Summer: Covers May through October.
Ski: Covers November through April.
If a date falls in November or December, it is assigned to the following year’s season. For example, 2015-10-31 is categorized as Summer 2015, while 2015-11-01 belongs to Ski 2016.
To implement this logic, we define get_season_expr(), which leverages Polars’ when-then-otherwise expressions to determine the season and year.
If the month is between May and October, the function assigns "Summer ". Otherwise, it assigns "Ski " (with a trailing space for concatenation).
The year is determined based on the month: dates from January to October retain their current year, while those in November and December are shifted to the next year.
By applying this function, we can add a SEASON column to a Polars DataFrame, ensuring each date is categorized correctly.
Calculating the Total Days for Each Season
Once we have the seasonal categories, we calculate DAY_OF_SEASON, which tracks the number of days elapsed within each season. This is achieved using the pl.expr.over() expression, which operates similarly to Pandas’ groupby().transform(), applying transformations within groups.
With the data prepared, we move on to plotting. Since plot_temps() is quite long, we’ll break it down into several parts for easier explanation
Setting Up the Figure
We start by defining some parameters and using plt.subplot_mosaic() to create the figure layout. This provides structured axes for different elements of the visualization.
For the title, we use ax_text() from the HighlightText library, which allows selective styling of text enclosed in < >. This lets us highlight key parts of the title, such as <Alta Ski Resort>, <Temperature trends by >, <decade>, < and >, and <2019>, with custom formatting.
To illustrate long-term trends, we overlay four lines representing the average temperature trends for different decades, marking their start and end points with dots for emphasis.
def plot_temps( df_: pl.DataFrame, idx_colname: str="DAY_OF_SEASON") -> pl.DataFrame: ...# # ---- Decade Averages ---- decades = [1980, 1990, 2000, 2010] blues = ["#0055EE", "#0033CC", "#0011AA", "#3377FF"]for decade, color inzip(decades, blues): match =str(decade)[:-1] # 1980 -> "198", 2010 -> "201"1 decade_temps = season_temps.select(cs.contains(match)).mean_horizontal() ax.plot(season_temps_index, decade_temps, color=color, linewidth=1)# add label to right of line last_y_label = decade_temps.last()if decade ==2000: last_y_label -=3elif decade ==2010: last_y_label -=0.3 ax.text(185, last_y_label,f"{decade}", va="center", ha="left", fontsize=axis_fontsize, fontweight=axis_fontweight, color=color, )# # add dot to start and end of each line ax.plot( season_temps_index.first(), decade_temps.first(), marker="o", color=color, markersize=1, zorder=2, ) ax.plot( season_temps_index.last(), decade_temps.last(), marker="o", color=color, markersize=1, zorder=2, )
We leverage two powerful features of Polars: Polars selectors, which enable efficient column selection based on name patterns to extract data for each decade (cs.contains(match)), and df.mean_horizontal(), which performs vectorized operations across columns to compute the average temperature for each decade.
Highlighting the 2019 Ski Season
To make Ski 2019 stand out, we plot its trend in red and highlight its start and end points with dots, similar to the decade lines.
def plot_temps( df_: pl.DataFrame, idx_colname: str="DAY_OF_SEASON") -> pl.DataFrame: ...# # ------ Ski 2019 ------# # plot `Ski 2019` in red1 ski_2019 = season_temps.select(idx_colname, cs.by_name("Ski 2019")).drop_nulls() ski_2019_index = ski_2019[idx_colname] ski_2019 = ski_2019.drop([idx_colname]).to_series() ax.plot(ski_2019_index, ski_2019, color="red", linewidth=1)# add dot to start and end of each line ax.plot( ski_2019_index.first(), ski_2019.first(), marker="o", color="red", markersize=2, zorder=2, ) ax.plot( ski_2019_index.last(), ski_2019.last(), marker="o", color="red", markersize=2, zorder=2, )
We use the Polars selector (cs.by_name()) to isolate the Ski 2019 data.
Refinements for Clarity
To enhance readability, we refine the visualization by adjusting:
Spines: Removing unnecessary borders.
Reference Line: Adding a horizontal dashed line at 32°F for context.
Ticks & Limits: Setting appropriate y-axis ticks and limits.
Labels: Customizing the x-axis label for clarity.
def plot_temps( df_: pl.DataFrame, idx_colname: str="DAY_OF_SEASON") -> pl.DataFrame: ...# # ------ Ticks & Lines ------# # remove spinesfor side in ["top", "left", "right"]: ax.spines[side].set_visible(False)# # add horizontal line at 32F ax.axhline(32, color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=1, zorder=1)# # set y ticks ax.set_yticks(ticks=[10, 32, 40])# # set y limit ax.set_ylim([10, 55])# # set x label ax.set_xlabel("Day of season", fontsize=axis_fontsize, fontweight=axis_fontweight)
Adding Notes
Finally, we use Matplotlib’s ax.text() to annotate the source of the data.
Recreating this figure with Polars turned out to be more involved than I initially expected. However, the process was incredibly rewarding, as it deepened my understanding of Pandas, Polars, and Matplotlib. Switching between Pandas and Polars required a shift in mindset, but it also reinforced key concepts in both libraries. I look forward to exploring more of these challenges in the future.
This post was drafted by me, with AI assistance to refine the content.